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Presidential Initiative on Women’s Health hosts high-level dialogue to advance equity and …

23 January 2025, Cairo, Egypt – Under the auspices of H.E. Dr Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health and Population of Egypt, the Presidential Initiative on Women’s Health convened a high-level dialogue today at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Cairo. The event brought together national, regional, and global leaders to address one of the most pressing health challenges facing women in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region – breast cancer.

The dialogue, held alongside the 17th Breast, Gynecological, and Immuno-oncology International Cancer Conference (BGICC), focused on advancing equity and fostering innovation in women’s cancer care. It builds on Egypt’s pioneering efforts made under the Presidential Initiative on Women’s Health, which has made remarkable progress in early detection, diagnosis, and integrated care for breast cancer since its inception.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, with more than 130 000 new cases and 52 000 deaths annually. Egypt, with one of the Region’s highest incidence rates at 55.4 cases per 100 000 women, has been at the forefront of addressing this challenge through the Presidential Initiative on Women’s Health.

“Breast cancer places an immense strain on both the economy and society. The WHO investment case on women’s cancers demonstrates that investing in early diagnosis and comprehensive treatment not only saves lives but also yields economic returns of US$6.4 to US$7.8 for every dollar spent. Let us work together to address breast cancer and remove the shadow it casts on our region. By

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La Corporación Educativa Humanitas, es una entidad sin ánimo de lucro que presta sus servicios educativos a la comunidad del Oriente Antioqueño.


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